Please call 01253 852457 or email: for enquiries

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest



Primary school places for September 2025


If your child's 4th birthday falls between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, you need to apply for a primary school reception place, to start in September 2025. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2025.


Important information


If you have a child already attending your preferred school, you still must complete an application form for the child starting reception in 2025.

Children who attend a nursery that is attached to a school or academy do not automatically move into reception. 


A paper copy can be obtained from the school admissions team.

Usual starting dates


Child born between  
1 September 2020 - 31 August 2021  
Starts primary school  
September 2025  
Apply between  
1 September 2024 - 15 January 2025  


Follow either link below for more information:


For Blackpool Council Tax payers:   If you have missed the deadline you should complete a paper application which is available from the Blackpool Council School Admissions Team, telephone 01253 476637.  An application submitted after the closing date will be classed as late.


For Lancashire (Wyre Borough Council) Council Tax payers: 

Please follow the link below to complete or change your application or telephone 

School admissions01524 581112
01524 581134


If you would like more information, please contact the school office.


In-Year Admissions

If you would like your child to move to our school, and are new to the area please call us (Office: 01253 852457 or email: to find out more information and arrange a visit. Your next step will be to complete a new to area admissions application form to apply for a place at our school.

Please read the guidance notes on the form carefully before completing.

If you would rather have the form posted to you, you can email or ring 01253 476446 or 01253 476637.


If your child attends a local primary school, you must complete the primary in-year application form. 

To obtain a copy, email or ring 01253 476637.


Admissions Policy 2024

Admissions Policy 2025

Supplementary Form 2025

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Waiting List Application Form
