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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Curriculum R.E

The Intent of Our Religious Education Curriculum


At St. Teresa’s Catholic School, we are a ‘Christ-centred, loving and nurturing learning-community’. Our RE curriculum, along with the Gospel Values are central to the whole ethos and curriculum, underpinning all teaching and learning that takes place. By having a strong foundation and knowledge of scripture, prayer, traditions (including sacraments) we strive to ‘support our children to develop their individual God-given talents.’


It is our intention that pupils will enjoy their RE lessons and will be respectful and have a rich knowledge of their own faith and other world religions. As a Catholic school, we follow the recommendations of the Diocese of Lancaster and the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales.


Through this we intend to provide a religious education that covers all aspects of the Catholic faith, and introduces children to other faiths and practices with an attitude of mutual respect and tolerance. Currently we teach Judaism, Sikhism and Islam.  Through our engaging religious education and memorable religious experiences, including visits and speakers, our children learn about vocation and their unique place within the home, school and parish community. They will develop a close connection and feeling of belonging to our school community and to the family of God, being prepared for a life in society, with respect for and an understanding of rich cultural diversity.

The Implementation of Religious Education Curriculum


The teaching of RE is a core subject forming 10% of the weekly timetable with additional time for daily collective worship and class prayer. The Catholic ethos of the school underpins everything that we do and the curriculum hours are non-negotiable, followed by all staff in the school.


At the centre of our whole school curriculum is Christ. We plan our RE curriculum with varied opportunities for children to become learned and wise. Lessons engage, provoke and inspire as teaching guides, support and challenge children to become the best versions of themselves.


We are currently using the Religious Education Directory ‘To Know You More Clearly’ in Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 with support from the Vine and Branches Scheme of work and resources from The Diocese of Plymouth.


The ‘Come and See’ programme (linked to the 2012 Religious Education Curriculum Directory) is utilised in Year 5 and Year 6. We are gradually introducing ‘To Know You More Clearly’ across school over the next two years.


Lessons are engaging and carefully planned and sequenced ensuring progression in the expected Age-Related Standards. High quality teaching responds to the needs of children and teachers actively mark in lessons in order to identify misconceptions early ensuring that children are supported in their understanding. Many additional resources are used to give the children the best possible opportunities to deepen their understanding and challenge them in lessons which are engaging and make them think deeply through effective questioning. Teachers use CAFOD, visitors, trips and other resources to ensure a rich and varied RE curriculum.


Other world faiths and important Liturgical celebrations are interwoven throughout the year as children are encouraged to question and reflect on their own lives and the religious lives of others.


Teachers assess formatively and summatively in each lesson according to the Interim Standards agreed for use in the Diocese of Lancaster. Task design is intentionally open ended in order for children to demonstrate their progress towards each Standard. Teachers in every year group have the opportunity to share and evaluate plans with teachers in the same year group from across our Trust on a regular basis. This supports a consistent approach across schools and enables good practice to be shared. In addition, termly internal moderation and book looks are completed by the Subject Leader to ensure curriculum coverage, progression and achievement of standards. Data and outcomes of moderation are shared with our school governors on a termly basis.

The Impact of our Religious Education Curriculum


Religious Education is the foundation of our whole-school curriculum forming the half-termly topic themes that our school follows.  Our children understand how they belong to a Catholic community. They experience a wide-range of learning challenges and opportunities and know appropriate responses to them.


Through RE, children deepen their appreciation of their faith and understanding of vocation, fulfilling their God-given gifts and talents. Our children will grow to know and love God, developing their moral and spiritual nature, deepening their faith, with clear understanding and awareness of the Gospel and British Values.


Children of all abilities, no matter their beliefs or starting point, will achieve well in RE. They will show mutual respect, having a knowledge of a range of the Catholic, as well as other faiths, talking enthusiastically about their learning, evidencing their learning in RE books at an age-appropriate level.


A further key indicator will be the way in which the children conduct themselves throughout our Catholic Life. We support them to attend Parish Mass, receive Sacraments and build relationships. They will use their understanding to guide themselves through the next steps of their life understanding that God has a purpose for them.

Our Knowledge Organisers

Our Religious Education Policy
