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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Spring 1

We look forward to learning all about Animals. Animals big, small, fury, with feathers, living under water, in the air, on a farm and everything in between. 

This is part of our Understanding the World learning where we look at the environment, people, places and the animals living within them. 

We can't wait to explore the wonderful animals we share on God's planet, find out more about them and also think about how we can protect them here on Earth!

Before we launch into our new topic- let's have a look at some questions linked to our Amazing Animals. I wonder if you can answer any of these?

Which animal can you see on the map?

What is your favourite animal?

Can you name 5 different animals? 

What do animals have in common?

What is different about animals?
