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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Autumn 1

Playdoh can be anything we want it to be...and so can we!

Would you like to live near a volcano? Let's look at the positives and negatives.

Look at our legendary lines!

Acting like a volcano

Ready to learn!

Working hard on our TT Rockstars

Representing numbers to 1000 with base 10

Take off and landings in PE

Is it better to use computers for all tasks?

Inspired by Vivaldi

Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi - Four Seasons

Throwing and catching in PE

Identifying the poem features

The story of Jairus' daughter

What can you do?

Sound buttons 'ai' sound


Parts of the Earth

Cursive writing

Reasons for and against living near a volcano

Digital devices

Types of volcano

Computing Input and Output

Volcano Art

Oceans comprehension

Caring for our air

St Paul's advice to the Romans

Uses of different technology

Our families

Oceans of the world

Place Value Maths

Using our new vocabulary

New vocabulary

Volcano Poems



Planning our writing

Learning at home

Season of creation class artwork

Ways to travel in PE gymnastics

Love2Sam Little Way Week

Throwing and catching fun in outdoor PE

Colourful semantics

Investigating the hardness of rocks

Skipping time

Adding and subtracting a single digit number to/from a two and three digit number with Base 10

Correctly using CAPITAL LETTERS

We're all in this together

Comprehension Time

Grammar Mats to see what we've learnt and what we still need to work on

Finding the missing letters in words that are contracted

Simone Biles comprehension

Biography about Simone Biles



Our reading area

Land and sea

BBC Live lessons on fossils
