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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Laudato Si Group

Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ remains a profound invitation to everyone on the planet to care for our common home. Love and care for creation are an essential dimension of our faith.


At St. Teresa's, we take our responsibility as stewards of creation very seriously. Led by our committed Eco Team, we take action to make positive changes.

Our Priorities are to:

  • Make all children remember that their small actions can make a big difference through turning off electrical equipment and lights; ensure all resources are looked after; water is saved and recycling is completed correctly. Every week, the Laudato Si award is given to the most eco-conscience class based upon the number of points they receive.
  • Ensure each class has a member of the Laudato Si Group to support them to be more environmentally aware.
  • Create a wild garden that attracts bees and other insects.
  • Hold a weekly 'switch-off' of all electronic devices.
  • Complete a half-termly litter-pick within the school grounds.