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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Summer 2

Additional Dates...

Friday 12th July- Reports come home to parents.

Friday 19th July- Break up for the Summer Break.

Our topic this half term is Superheros!

We are so excited to get stuck into this topic and all it will show, teach and reveal to us. 


What Superheros do you know?

Do you have a favourite Superhero?

What attributes do Superheros have that you would like?



I wonder...

If superheros are real?

Why they all wear different clothes?

Who the first superhero was?

If there is a Superhero has every skill from every superhero?


What I wonder questions would you think about when it comes to Superheros? I wonder....

Let's see if we can answer or explore some of these questions as we journey through our topic. 


Key Takeaways linked to this half term:

This half term we shall be getting the children ready for Year 1.

  • This will include reminding the children of The St Teresa's Way our Lovely Listening, Star Sitting, Legendary Lines, Wonderful Walking, Delightful Dinners and Peaceful Playtimes.
  • We will also be growing the children's independence more ensuring they are equipped for next year. More information will be sent home to parents to give you more of an idea as to what this looks like. 
  • Our Red Home Books will continue.
  • Books will continue to be changed twice a week- Monday and a Thursday. 
  • Reading Folders brought in daily. 
  • Library Books changed fortnightly. 
  • Plus lots more. We are still Reception and the children will still be learning, playing and exploring through play but we also get ready for what is next! How exciting!

Key Documents:
