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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

ASPEN - Reception Class

Hello there,

I'm Mrs Brown and I can't wait to share all of the exciting and wonderful learning that takes place in Aspen Class every day.  

This year will be filled with lots of "firsts" as your child starts school, takes part in a Nativity, and begins their journey through school, from smallest to greatest.


Welcome to Aspen Class

We look so smart in our uniform, and have all waved our grownups off for our first few days. everyone is so proud of you all.

Rolling along

Using guttering and drain pipes, stands and balls we have explored scientific concepts of gravity and friction. I wonder which balls moved quickly down the pipes....

Superhero Party

Look at all of our amazing costumes. We have already shown some very important superpowers of listening, and being brave.
