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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Spring 1

We are Inventors

It’s all about the junk!

Aspen have been busy practising different joining techniques to create these masterpieces. 

Big Garden Bird Watch

We’ve got our bird identification sheets at the ready. 

We’ve made our bird feeders.

We’re all ready to identify and count the different types of birds in the garden this weekend. 

Inspired by Blackpool

Inspired by Blackpool landmarks we are creating work in the style of Lowry. The lions in Stanley Park are a much loved feature. The children asked how you could make a lion out of stone, we are always so full of wonder. 

In the book "A day in the life of Bob", Bob who works as the man on the moon says that there is no such thing as aliens. But Aspen Class think that aliens might be real! Using the plasticine to mould we invented our own alien.

Did you know that to invent is to create something new? 

Aspen Class couldn't believe that people "in the olden days" used to have to sit next to the phone to answer it, and not be able to move about. 


We were so excited to go out on a visit to St Teresa's Church. Finding Father Chris in the church made our visit even more special.

New year, new skill

Over the course of four weeks it has been so lovely to see the children's confidence take off on the balance bikes.

Alive in 5!

Alive in 5! is the name of our Maths work at the moment, and we have had a few January birthdays too!


Space.....the final frontier!

Do you know how may planets there are? How does a rocket get to the moon? Are aliens real? So many questions to discover the answer to this half term. The children are so excited to be exploring St Teresa's Space Station.
