St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11
from smallest to greatest
Welcome Beech Class to Year Four
As we enter a new year, I hope you are ready to experience many more exciting adventures. As you journey through year four, I hope you enjoy the many class trips that will be organised, the diverse selection of topics studied and the many extra-curricular activities that have been prepared for you.
Myself and Mrs Farey are always here to listen and care for you and your parents/carers. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either through making an appointment at the school office or catch me after school.
It is important that the children continue their learning at home and you get to see the great progress that your child is making. They will have a reading book that can be changed once a week (Thursday); fortnightly spellings to be practised with fun activities and of course Times Tables Rock Stars that can be accessed on the internet as often as you like!