Please call 01253 852457 or email: for enquiries

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

School Clubs

Wrap-around Care
Breakfast Club and After School Club

School provides a Breakfast Club and After School Club for those parents who need childcare outside of the normal school day. We have a dedicated and friendly team to provide support and structured activities for your children.

Breakfast Club costs £4 and the children will be provided breakfast - available from 7:45am until the start of school.

After School Club costs £6.95 and the children will be provided with a meal - available after school until 5:30pm

Fees are payable via the My Child at School (MCAS) App. Children can be added at anytime if places are available, but for children who are attending regularly we ask that 4 weeks' notice is given to cancel a place.


If you are interested in reserving a place and to check availability please contact the school office: 01253 852457 or check details on the MCAS app.

Activity Clubs provided by School

At St. Teresa's we put together a comprehensive programme of sport and physical activity clubs after-school in which we hope that every child will find something they enjoy.

The clubs  are in addition to those sports clubs being held at lunchtimes.

We value the children's input into our sport and activity provision and regularly meet with the children to discuss the activities they would like to participate in and this directly feeds into the activities we offer.

Some of these clubs are offered free of charge, but in some cases external providers come into school for which there will be a cost involved. The external providers offer expert coaching skills and fully trained staff.

Each half term the clubs and activities will change and usually start during the second week. The office will send the details via a bookable link to parents and we are always available to answer any questions.



Autumn 2

Autumn 1 2024

Summer 2

Spring 2 2023-24

Spring 2 2023-24 UV Dodgeball

To book your place, visit 

Spring 1 2023-24

KS1 UV Dodgeball- Spring 1

Still image for this video
To book your place, visit

Autumn 2 2023-24

Autumn 1 2023-24
