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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest


Our Reading Intent for St Teresa's 

For all children to enjoy reading a range of genres and text types and having the key skills to read and understand what they are reading, being aware that reading can take them on an adventure and to a different world. Giving them opportunities to develop their reading skills and love of books, texts, words, imagination and so much more!

National Literacy Trust found that…Just 2 in 5 43.4% children and young people aged 8 to 18 said they enjoyed reading in 2023. This is the lowest level since the question was first asked in 2005.

At St Teresa’s we want to support, develop and raise these figures by giving opportunities for Reading to be taught well across school and also immerse our children into quality books and reading experiences so they also develop their passion and love of reading.

After all, Reading opens up lots of other avenues and channels and as said above helps us to know more and go further!


We do the above in a variety of ways and here are just a few...

Our children visit and take a book out of the Library every fortnight. 

Our children regularly change their books, twice weekly in some cases and all books are at the appropriate level for each individual child. 

Each class library has a range of books for children to enjoy including books off the top 100 book list per year group. 

We have daily Reading for Pleasure time to allow the children to enjoy being read to, reading to others and reading individually. 


At St Teresa's we use Plazoom to support our key Reading Skills across Y1-Y6.

Plazoom offers ideas, resources, templates and skills to practice when immersing our children in texts.


'Plazoom makes Great Literacy Lessons Easy. Outstanding primary resources, exceptional CPD and endless inspiration - trusted by teachers, everywhere.'


More information on what Plazoom offers can be found using this link below. 


Reception in Action Reading and Enjoying Books/Texts
