Please call 01253 852457 or email: for enquiries

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest


Winter 2024 / Spring 2025

Autumn/Spring 2023/2024

Summer/Autumn Menu 2023

School Meal Price Increase

Free School Meals


Who can get free school meals?

All pupils in reception, year one or year two in primary schools are entitled to free school meals. 

Children in other years could get free school meals if you get:

  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA-IR)
  • Income Based Jobseeker's Allowance (IB-JSA)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit and are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and your annual income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue, does not exceed £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit 'run on'- the payment you receive for a further four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit


If you may be eligible for free school meals you can apply by contacting your Local Authority. If you pay your council tax to Wyre Borough Council it is Lancashire County Council or if it is Blackpool Council their details are below.


Lancashire County Council North Area Office 

Free school meals and pupil premium 01524 581207

or complete their online application form:


Blackpool Council

Ring the assessment team for advice on 01253 478940

or complete their online application form:


Lunchtime arrangements are as follows:

Infants and Jumiors: 12:15pm – 1.15 pm


In line with Department for Education legislation, from September 2014, all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils will be entitled to a free hot school lunch. You do not have to do anything unless you wish to opt-out of universal free school meals for infants, in which case, you should complete an opt-out form and return it to your child’s teacher. Hot meals, cooked from fresh ingredients, are provided daily by Blackpool Catering Services.



Weekly menus are available at school and online at  so that parents can see the meals which will be served. From Year 3, parents who wish for their child to continue to receive school meals will be able to pay for the lunches via their Bromcom MCAS (My Child at School) App. 


It is straightforward to set up an account, but if you do encounter a particular problem, please contact our school office staff. If any parents do not have a home computer or mobile phone, please contact our school office staff. 


For those children who bring a packed lunch from home, we ask parents to provide a healthy and balanced lunch which will meet your child’s nutritional requirements. 

The following items should not be put into a packed lunch:

  • Ring pull tins.
  • Cocktail or kebab sticks.
  • Metal knives or forks.
  • Sweets and chocolates.
  • Fizzy drinks.
  • Glass bottles.


Please avoid nuts or foods containing nuts as we have several children in school with nut allergies.


We ask all parents to please make sure that they notify us in writing of any allergies or dietary requirements your child may have, even if you have already provided us with this information verbally. 


A school dinner costs £2.20 per day (£11.00) per week.  Dinner money is payable on-line via Bromcom - MCAS.  All parents are issued with a unique login & password to access this secure site.


It is essential for parents to inform the school office before 9.30am if their child is attending a morning medical appointment and requires a school lunch to ensure that a lunch is ordered accordingly.

NB. If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals, please contact the appropriate Local Education Authority as stated on Page 11 for an application form. 



The school must be notified of any changes to lunchtime arrangements, giving two weeks notice in writing. All changes will be actioned at the beginning of term or after half term.


Natasha's Law - statement from Blackpool Council Catering Services:


BCS operates In line with Natasha's Law, where food is not ordered / Pre Packed for Direct Sale (PPDS). This is mainly in the High Schools, such as sandwiches and packaged items in the grab and go areas where the customer doesn't order.


This food falls under Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS)


As Primary Schools order on behalf of the child food such as packed lunches and primary kitchens use the dietary lists provided by the schools, food doesn't fall under Pre Packed for Direct Sale foods (PPDS) to the child.


However, we want to ensure that all children are protected and where young people have an allergy, the kitchen should ensure that bags are labelled with an allergen label.







Milk is provided daily for every child. Please inform the school office should you not wish your child to drink milk.



