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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Information

Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)


Where children experience temporary or long-term difficulties for a variety of reasons and need help over and above what most others require, they have Special Educational Needs.


Provision for SEN covers all learning difficulties, whether physical, intellectual or emotional. A child's problems may range from severe and complex to relatively minor and temporary provision for SEN also extends to appropriate opportunities for very able children, to ensure that they are reaching their full potential.


For pupils with physical disabilities the school offers the same broad and balanced curriculum it offers to all pupils. The school is fitted with ramps at some ground floor external doors. School has two staircases and a platform lift to allow easy access between the lower and upper floor of the school including those persons with limited mobility. Corridors and landings are of sufficient width to accommodate wheelchairs. There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor. 


Pupils with Special Educational Needs are given the opportunity to realise their full potential at St. Teresa's. We do this by ensuring that they have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, and that any learning difficulties are identified early. Our Mission Statement affirms the dignity and self-esteem of every child "all will be treated with dignity and learn to value their own worth."


The day-to-day operation of the SEN Policy is co-ordinated by the SENCO Mr David Aaron, Mrs Lynsey Ankers, and a Higher Level Teaching Assistants/Learning Mentor Mrs Chris Gradwell and overseen by a governor, Mrs Anne Gooch.


Children with special educational needs receive individual and group programmes of learning to supplement their classroom shared experiences. Extra support is available in the school through a specialist Learning Support Teacher. We enjoy a close working relationship with outside support agencies including the Educational Psychologist and the Outreach service for children with physical and complex learning difficulties.


We encourage and value parental involvement in the identification of pupils with Special Educational Needs and the assessment process.


Should a parent have a concern about their child's learning ability they should, in the first instance, discuss these with the class teacher and/or the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. If these concerns continue then they should be brought to the notice of the Headteacher. Concerns that cannot be resolved at this level should be put in writing to the Governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs.


If the school is alerted to the need for a child to receive SEN support, either by the parents or by external support agencies, the school will do its best to ensure that the appropriate resources are available including staffing and equipment.

SENDco Report to Governors

Local Authority Special Educational Needs and Disability Local Offer
