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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11

from smallest to greatest

Friends of St Teresa's

A very warm welcome to our school.


The AGM for Friends of St Teresa's will be on Thursday 29th September 2016 at 5.30pm. Everyone is very welcome and we ask for your support.


Why do we have Friends of St Teresa's (formerly known as School association)?

We are very fortunate at St Teresa’s to have a strong school association that has been such an integral part of the school community for many years.  We have raised thousands of pounds which have been use to improve school, school equipment and school resources to enhance our children’s education and facilities we are able to offer our students.

The St Teresa’s school association is about much more than just fundraising. The aim is that provide closer links between home and school. It serves to give parents a voice and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially to support the school.

There are times when it is more challenging particularly around summer fair time, but with the continued support of parents our school association has always succeeded in its efforts.

All parents and members of the school community can get involved even if they only have a small amount of time available.

Our school association committee consists of 6 Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer Vice Treasurer and Secretary, Auditor). We also have between 6 and 8 other committee members and many more who we call on for help on the day to make up the full committee.

The Committee meets on a regular basis usually once or twice per term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary to organise larger more complicated events.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Our Annual General Meeting is held in the Autumn Term and this is an opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about events run, funds raised and how the money has been utilised. It is also the occasion where we elect our new committee for the school year. 

How We Raise Money

Like most school associations, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our most popular events are the school discos, school calendars and summer fair. We also provide support to the teachers by serving refreshments at school functions throughout the year.

There is always something going on and we are always open to new ideas and offers whether it is ideas for fundraising, or offers of time, skills, items for sale, or donations for raffles.

How We Utilise the Money We Raise

It is at our school association committee meetings that the decisions on how to utilise the money are agreed.

At the start of each year (AGM) we decide on what additional provision the school need or would like us to fundraise for and guided by our Head Teacher we collate a ‘wish list’ of items. Often it will be for resources to improve a particular area of the curriculum or school environment, for example new equipment for IT and a contribution towards awards a new school minibus. In the main the school association funds are for the ‘extras’ not provided by the school budget that make our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.

We always endeavour to utilise our funds in ways that will benefit all our children across all areas of the school and curriculum. 

How We Get Information to You

There is a school association parent bulletin which is sent to you every term via email or paper copy home with the students.

How Can You Get Involved

There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the school association.

Offering to help at events, it really is a case of ‘many hands make light work’. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can’t come into school. There are always little jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare e.g. wrapping gifts, preparing raffle tickets etc. We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the unseen that exists in school.

You can of course volunteer to be a Class Rep or Committee Member. Or you can simply support the AGM and give us your ideas for fundraising events.  It is also the time to ask questions or voice your opinion.

We hope you now know a little more about your school association. On behalf of all the students we would like to thank you for your very valuable support which enriches their learning experiences and makes their time in school so enjoyable.

Kind Regards

Friends of St Teresa's
