St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 3-11
from smallest to greatest
Key Information for Spring 1
PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Reading folders to be brought into school each day. Books are changed on a Thursday.
Please see below our key documents for this half term.
Red Home School Books continue from Friday 12th January.
Please bring wellies into school as soon as you can.
Ensure all uniform is labelled.
Stay and Play Dates 13th June 2-3pm and 8th February 2-3pm.
World Book Day 7th March.
Spring Fling Disco 3-6pm 8th February.
Friday 8th March Mother's Day Worship led by EYFS 9.15am.
How are animals amazing?
Do you know a range of different animals?
Are you blessed enough to have an animal?
Are animals like us?
Can you name any animals?
Here are just a few pictures showing you a little bit of what we got up to during this Amazing Animals topic. It definitely was a good one which we all enjoyed thoroughly!